Nicolas Lefeuvre / N17
The Land(e)scapes series presents a true inner quest, a search for the aesthetic. After Singapore and Tokyo, Lefeuvre settled down in Hong Kong and China in 2013, a new playground that served as a metamorphosis. He created his Land(e)scapes series few years later, following his previous series “The State I am in”. Making up his own language, he reinvents himself constantly and discovers new sensations and soars in the float of body and mind.
The great escape. With a real desire to run away from superficiality, from bling and sequined dresses, Lefeuvre’s world is a world of beauty and holiness. His art anchored in his reality: memories, numbers, letters, ideograms, superstition. “There is no how and why in what I am doing. It is all about graphic intentions translating experiences.”, said Lefeuvre.
Land(e)scapes involves very personal works, sensual and exploratory, where gold in indigo triggers the lights of an unattainable city. Lefeuvre’s technique is executed according to the artistic rules of applying gold pigment on white paper. Gold powder from Japan is so light and lacking in density that its nature is virtually infinitesimal. With tools carefully chosen, his rollers disperse blue tints, thanks to the successive waves of ink which conquer the large white paper field. The work, while not losing is quintessential nature, takes on an additional essence, a new utility.
“Land(e)scapes are those daydreams but also an invitation to discover new territories which could be yours.”
Nicolas Lefeuvre was born in France in 1975. After studying at Beaux-Arts in Rennes (France) and architecture/product design at Camondo in Paris, Lefeuvre left to travel for almost a year all around Asia. In 2001, he opened a creative studio/gallery in Singapore, doing design, art direction for brands and hosting art exhibitions. In 2008, he became the Creative Director for Chanel which sent him to Tokyo, Japan. After five years in Japan he moved to Hong Kong with his job, at the same time he started an independent music label in China. He is now fully dedicated to art, and has exhibited his work from Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Paris. Lefeuvre works mostly with ink, on paper, using objects, and his work is an invitation through ink sceneries of mental travels.