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Inverse / Tension

Yacine Bensalem

2 - 16 December 2024


(Thursday 12 December 2024 @7pm)


Hong Kong's urban environment is complex and highly contrasted with a strong presence of neo-vernacular architecture. Typically, spaces are built and evolve by accumulation according to the needs of the various occupants and users which results in organic stratifications of the built environment.

Worn down buildings with a cluster of signboards, juxtaposition of dissonant colours, neon lights, dripping AC condensers and exposed pipe-works translate into an environment in which we can read different layers, historical, urban, functional and sometimes nature makes its way back and grabs back its legitimate share of the city.

Through subtle symbolism we pay tribute to Hong Kong’s Chinese legacy.

The mirror as well as the Foo Lion dogs incarnating duality and contrast, power and strength complemented by gentleness and wisdom. The Female is positioned on the right looking into the guests, while the Male appears as the Females reflection in the mirror.
Wooden structure, evoking Chinese traditional carpentry blends in the dark wood background, the base voluntarily “disappears” to sublimates and supports our “Inverse / Tension” to become object of contemplation.

“Inverse / Tension” mirrors and invites you to explore the beautiful internal spaces that can be found in some of Hong Kong’s unassuming buildings. Through the power of interior design, we are able to transform these spaces, into unexpected beauty and poetry.
The imperfect texture of the concrete block juxtaposed with the polished brass metal incarnates the potential of each interior space we are given. This contrast stands for the hidden and contrasted beauty in Hong Kong that you cannot find in other cities in the world.

香港城市予人一種中西結合, 錯綜複雜, 充滿新舊文化及具有強烈對比的面貌。 建築空間普遍是根據不同使用者的需求而建造和演化,古舊的唐樓及大廈懸掛著一塊 又一塊的招牌、滴水的冷氣機、外牆滿佈喉管等都一一在這城市環境當中,由此可以 展現出不同年代的歷史演變。城市的發展、空間功能以及與大自然結合,都是建構這 都市面貌的基本原由。

透過 INVERSE 作為香港城市面貌的縮影,可探索到香港樸素的舊建築群內,哪 些充滿著讓人目不暇給的內部空間。運用室內設計的力量,我們能將空間昇華,轉化 為令人意想不到而細膩動人的場域。當您走近我們設計的想像空間,就會發現這一切 都在等待您的發掘和體驗。

未經粉飾的破舊混凝土,跟打磨亮麗的黃銅形成對比,透視了本地室內空間的 特性。這種充滿美感的強烈對比成為了香港獨特的象徵、建構本地城市面貌的基石。


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